Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sims2: Virgil Vachon

Virgil hangs his head as he arrives home from work, dreading telling his family that he's lost their entire savings.  At least he still has his job as a Game Designer, which brings in a steady, good income.  It's going to be particularly tough on Ansel and Virginia, his teenaged children, who were hoping to move out as soon as they were old enough. He's not going to be able to give them a good start.

I've only recently had a couple of Sims in this challenge reach the top of their career levels.  Every few days a Sim will get a 'chance' card while they're at work (just like chance cards in Monopoly).  You choose one of two options, and usually they're either promoted or demoted.  I wondered if they could be demoted out of the top of their career, and it seems like not.  Virgil got a chance card and he had to pay a 47,000 Simoleon fine - and their entire cash savings was only 45,000!  So they ended up at 0.  It's going to be rough when the teens move out, since in my challenge, I set teens to have a starting amount of 30% of whatever cash the parents have on hand.

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