Thursday, June 11, 2020

Sims2: Renovations

Dagmar Wilkie has lived happily in this rambling one-bedroom for years, with three different partners over time, and now her five children.  It has been a cramped but happy home, and she has decided to finally build an addition now that her oldest three are teens.  This is the before picture, showing the empty piece of side yard available.

And the after picture from the outside.

The new addition has a bedroom and bathroom for the teens, plus some bonus space for a desk and computer, bookcase, and the family pinball machine that has been out on the patio since they got it.

Home renovations are easy and fun in the game.  I enjoy playing around with things, although I'm a terrible designer.  When you're in 'build' mode, there is an eyedropper icon that makes it easy to copy almost anything - flooring, wallpaper, siding, windows, doors, furniture - and apply it.  I meant to calculate how much these renovations cost, then forgot, but it's generally not too expensive, depending on how expensive your furniture tastes run.  The only thing I find frustrating is that there are a lot of roof options, and I've never really figured out how all the possible tools work.  I can't usually make it look how I want, so I often default to a flat roof just to keep the weather out.

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