Monday, June 22, 2020

Sims2: End of round stats

I just finished a round!  28 days since the previous one ended.  Here are some stats I might want to compare with later.
  • 115 total households over the course of the challenge to date
  • 92 households still in play
  • 466 individual, unique Sims playable at some point in the challenge (adopted or resurrected Sims count only once, as you would expect)
  • 27 community lots placed
  • 2 business districts
  • current multiplier:  17 for an effective population of 7155
  • new Sims to create:  3
I get 2 new Sims for the two new community lots that went into play this turn, which gives me household number 116, which earns me a third Sim.  I roll randomly to see how many Sims in a household, since single Sims every time turned out to be boring.  (Hence the Sadler, Radatz, and Udy families).

So, the newest Sim in town:  Mairi MacIntyre, named for a real-life woman born about 1777 on the island of Uist, Scotland.  I rolled to have two Sims in the household, so then I rolled 1 to 5 to see what age the second would be, and then when it was another adult, I rolled again for spouse or sibling... after all that she ends up having a spouse, who I will call Murdo. 

I don't bother randomly generating a bunch of stuff about the new Sims - only the things the game won't randomly do for me.  I use the dice icon to roll a random Sim, change the gender if necessary, and only reject and re-roll if they are too annoying (e.g. I don't like white Sims with dreads and there are certain combinations of shirts and pants that drive me crazy) or look too much like someone already in town.  Then I roll from 7 to 30 to find out how many starting Simoleons they will have (in thousands), then again from 7 to whatever they have to figure out how much to spend on a house or apartment.

The singleton will be Lutheria Lake, based on a real-life Lutheria Prudence Lake, born 1816 in Chautauqua, New York.  Lest you think these people I mention are all direct ancestors of mine, let me clarify that she is the 3rd great-grandmother of the wife of the step-grandson of my 4th cousin.  Yup, that's a thing.

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