You owe it to yourself to watch this smart, funny show. There are only seven 50-minute episodes, so it's one of those shows that's not a big time commitment. When I saw Gillian Anderson was in it, it went straight onto my list; but it was the characters of Otis, Maeve, and Eric I ended up sticking around to watch.
Re-watching the first episode, I'm struck by how many of the characters in the backgrounds of scenes end up being in storylines later. The whole first season was obviously written in one piece.
Scores and comments for:
Sex Education
Sex/Nudity: Very high.
Passes Bechdel test: Technically yes, in the first few minutes of the pilot, when Jean and Marjorie are talking. There's more of a real conversation between Maeve and Aimee about 16 minutes in.
HAES-friendly: Mediocre.
LGBT+ representation: I would say fairly good, with Eric's sexuality as an ongoing storyline that doesn't feel the need to hit every typical beat.
Diversity: Not bad; there's some racial diversity.
As of July 2019, this is on Netflix Canada.
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