Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sims2: The Mayor

The SimCity helicopter is deployed on Monday morning to bring Mayor Amelia Taylor to work.

Some thought and humour went into the carpool vehicles that pick Sims up to take them to work.  When in the lowest levels of a job, the carpool car is a junky old wreck that looks like it's on its last legs.  As the job level gets higher, the car gets nicer, until your Sim is being picked up in a long black stretch limousine.  Some jobs, like Mayor, have a special perk at the highest level, like the helicopter here.  If your Sim reaches the top of Law Enforcement, they will be Captain Hero, and will just walk out to the mailbox, put their fist in the air, and jet off under their own (super)power.  It gives me a chuckle every time.

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