Yvon had this faux-Victorian house built on the hill out of Bluewater Village, the biggest he could afford. He imagined a big house full of children and a big backyard garden to grow their own vegetables. Now that their first baby has arrived, he's adjusting to several realities: babies tire you out; vegetables aren't ready when your fridge is empty and you really need them; it's hard balancing two jobs with long hours and low pay with your partner so that one of you can be at home with the baby; and spending all your money and other status symbols means you have no money for furniture or food.
Yvon Yackey is one of the new Sims created during the course of this challenge. I didn't have anyone in my family tree with first and last names starting with Y, but I do have a Yvon Aubin, b. 1919 in Ontario, and Mary Yackey, b. 1818 in New Jersey, the daughter of Joseph Yackey. Sim Yvon's wife is Lara Riley, a Sim born in the game. New adult Sims start with five aspiration points, but that puts them behind most of the adults born in the game at this point. It's a struggle to keep Yvon's needs, particularly for sleep, in the green while still keeping his garden happy. He's also a Sim with Fortune aspiration, which means he's constantly wanting to buy things like cars and stereos.
Here's how he ended up with this house. I have a list of all the houses that I have in my houses bin, which is about 90 in total, between the ones that come in the game and the ones I've downloaded. I'm working my way through them, always using a new house for each Sim that can afford it. Currently I have Sims buy the largest house they can afford, and if they can't afford any of them that are available, they rent an apartment. I'm going to have to change that scheme, perhaps by randomly choosing a percentage of their cash to use on housing. Poor Yvon and Lara should have a little more buffer in their finances.
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