Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sims2: Relationships

Vena Nelson about to tickle her friend Tanner Gibson.

In this picture Vena is the playable Sim - I have entered her lot and I'm playing her family, which right now is just her and her teenage sister Kitty.  Tanner is in another family in my neighbourhood.  Vena and Tanner knew each other, but not very well.  Relationships between two Sims can be seen in the detailed relationship panel.  There will be two scores - one is a "right now" snapshot of how close they are, and one is average over the time they've known each other.  Vena was able to call Tanner on the phone because she knew him, but the first time she invited him over he said no.  I had her call him a few times and just talk (your choices when you call a Sim are "invite household", "invite over", and "just talk").  Once their relationship was up to about 50%, I was able to invite him over.

I captured the moment just after I instructed Vena to tickle Tanner.  I find it hilarious how a Sim will sometimes look straight out at me and react to what I'm making them do.  Sometimes they'll look worried or disgusted, but Vena likes Tanner a lot and clearly she's happy about this.  Romantic attraction between Sims is calculated by the game with a complicated formula that I haven't quite figured out.  Every Sim has one of six Aspirations (family, romance, pleasure, knowledge, etc), a Zodiac sign, a set of traits on a spectrum (neatness/slobbiness, activity/laziness, etc), and two specific turn-ons and one specific turn-off.  If you create a Sim from scratch, you get to set all these things the way you want them.  If a Sim is born to other Sims, they inherit everything except the Aspiration and turn-ons/turn-offs, which you get to set when they become teenagers. Through this formula your playable Sim might have anywhere from 1 to 3 lightning bolts with another Sim.  Vena only has one lightning bolt for Tanner, but she doesn't know a lot of people.  A single lightning bolt is enough for two Sims to be happy together.  Sometimes the lightning bolts change, too; a Sim can have "underwear" or "bathing suit" as a turn-on or turn-off, or (again, hilariously) "stink", so those things will change depending on the state of the other Sim.  You can check the level of attraction often by choosing another Sim and selecting "Flirt...", then "Check Sim out".  Your Sim will react in a variety of potential ways, either shrugging, miming a barfing action (so rude!), or fanning themselves and going weak in the knees.  Sims with the Romance aspiration have a special interaction; instead of having to check out every other Sim around them individually, you can have them "Scope Room" and it will identify whatever Sim is most attractive to them.

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