Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sims2: Game Glitches

Geraldine Gibson and her favourite bunny, who have grown... um... 'very close' over the years.

At one point this Sim was carrying the bunny toy, which they often do, but then this weird thing happened.  Game glitches like this are surprisingly rare.  There are two things I often do when they happen; one in-game, one out.

In the game itself, not all players know that pressing Ctrl+Shift+c opens up a one-line command window at the top of the screen.  Typing "moveobjects on" will let you move any object, even ones that you normally can't.  This is helpful when a Sim gets off a chair on the wrong side and gets stuck, or when a Sim apparently can't find the door of an apartment (it never happens in houses, but is common in apartments, for some reason). That was enough to let me carefully grab the toy and move it off her onto the floor where it would normally be.  Typing "moveobjects off" going back to normal, and pressing Ctrl+Shift+c closes the command line again. 

Outside of the game, there is a lot of custom content that people have created, including items that give you extra interactions, let your Sims skill up faster, let teenage Sims woohoo, and all kinds of other stuff.  The only one I've used is something oddly called the "batbox".  It's a square block box with a batman logo on top, presumably why it's named that.  (I once worked on a utility called "bk.exe", and why I asked the original programmer why it was called that, he said he'd looked out the window and the first thing he saw was a Burger King.)  Once you download it, it appears in the Sim catalogue as something you can buy for 1 Simoleon.  It has helped me get out of a lot of sticky situations that I thought would wreck the lot I was on and make it unplayable.

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