Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Platform

 Over-arching theme: Taking care of each other.

1.  The environment is a priority. We cannot survive as a species if we don't have a planet to live on.  Preserving the creatures and plants we live with is important not only because it's the right thing to do, but because it benefits us.  

2.   Every person has an innate urge to contribute.  When barriers are removed, we all benefit by having a diverse, rich set of talents working, learning, and creating together.

3.  "Canada is a country where you die just by being left outdoors."  (I can't find a source for this quote.)  Housing - at the very least, a warm place to sleep, a secure place to leave one's belongings, a place to prepare food, clean water to drink, and a comfortable, sanitary place to use the toilet and clean one's self - is something that every member of our population deserves.

3.  Restorative justice and robust health care are better ways to ensure a functioning society than policing and prisons.

4.  Publicly-funded childcare, education, and elder care must be available to all.

5.  People with privilege in more areas must work to eliminate the gap.  Since this will be a long process, in the meantime, they must contribute to lifting up people with privilege in fewer areas.

6.  Corporations are not people and do not deserve the same rights as people.  They exist to serve us, not the other way around.

7.  A living wage and basic income allows every member of our communities to

8.  The coronavirus pandemic has shown us that more methods of meeting, gathering, exchanging ideas, and making decisions are available to us than we've been used to before.  We must harness these methods to allow greater participation by people in remote areas, people with disabilities, and other groups that may have been excluded before.  It's no longer necessary to put additional stress on the environment to fly to meetings that can be held virtually. 

"The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped."  -former American Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Nov 1, 1977

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