Monday, July 15, 2019

TV: Grey's Anatomy

I was aware of this TV sensation but never even considered watching it until a woman I respect mentioned it recently.  I'm hooked and have watched nine seasons in such a short time I don't even really want to admit it!

The show is full of thin, impossibly beautiful people, but it's remarkably diverse.  They aren't too big on inter-racial relationships; if a new black character is introduced, they're pretty likely to end up sleeping with another black character.  There are exceptions, though.

It's a soap opera set in a hospital, but it's a highly entertaining one.  The AVClub has a good article on the first 100 episodes; if you don't mind spoilers, it's a good read if you're on the fence about the show.  Me, I'm off to watch some of season 10!

Scores and comments for:
Grey's Anatomy
Gore/Violence: Not much violence, but of course the constant surgeries include a lot of gore.
Passes Bechdel test: Yes. (Three minutes into the pilot, Meredith and Cristina talk about the number of women in the program, which is a clever commentary right there.  By seven minutes Cristina and Dr. Bailey are discussing surgery, and by eight minutes Katie and Meredith are talking about beauty pageants).
Diversity fail:  Vagueness to avoid spoilers... a main character becomes disabled.  The show tries to accurately portray the realities of recovery, but then they ignore it when convenient.

As of July 2019, viewable on Netflix Canada.

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